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 Regular Show Screenshots

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Posts : 9
Join date : 2010-09-27
Age : 31
Location : Minnesota, United States

Regular Show Screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Regular Show Screenshots   Regular Show Screenshots I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 18, 2010 6:14 pm

So... I have been taking screenshots of Regular Show, since the Comic Con preview was released online. I have many screenshots - 945, actually - and, I was wondering if anyone would like them (to use as wallpapers, icons, banners, etc.).

The problem is that I have so many. I don't know of a website that will take that much data. I use PhotoBucket, but my bandwidth always spikes from high to low. So, here's what I'm going to do (for now):
If anyone would like the whole folder, or just screenshots of a specific character or episode, send me a private message (PM). Tell me what you would like, and I'll put the pictures in a .ZIP folder. From there, if you have access to an instant messaging program, I'll add your screename to my contact list, and I'll give you the pictures through IM.

So, yeah; If you guys want any screenshots of Regular Show, let me know! Thanks!
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